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How social media impact mental health?


The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

The Internal Monologue of a Typical Social Media User

Have you ever had thoughts like "I am ugly" or "I am not good enough" while scrolling through your social media feeds? You are not alone. Many of us experience these thoughts and feelings daily without even realizing it. Bailey Parnell, a social media expert, discusses the detrimental effects of social media on our mental health. She sheds light on our anxieties and pressures and offers strategies for creating a healthier online experience.

The Vicious Cycle of Social Media

Like someone who shares her experience of going on a vacation without access to her phone or social media, she initially struggled with the fear of missing out on followers and constantly checking her phone for notifications. Over time, she realized the negative impact that social media was having on her mental well-being. This realization sparked her interest in studying the effects of social media on mental health.

The Disturbing Statistics

Research has shown that high social media usage is correlated with increased levels of anxiety and depression. Parnell highlights the alarming fact that 90% of individuals aged 18-29 are active on social media, spending an average of two hours per day on these platforms. These statistics raise concerns about the long-term effects of excessive social media use.

The Four Common Stressors of Social Media

Parnell identifies four everyday stressors that can lead to mental health issues:

1.   Highlight Reel: Social media platforms often showcase people's best moments, leading to constant comparison and feelings of inadequacy.

2.   Social Currency: Likes, comments, and shares have become a form of social currency, affecting our self-worth, and leading to a constant need for validation.

3.   F.O.M.O. (Fear of Missing Out): The fear of missing out on social connections, events, or opportunities can cause anxiety and drive excessive social media use.

4.   Online Harassment: Online harassment is a prevalent issue, with 40% of adults experiencing it and 73% witnessing it. This can have severe psychological consequences, especially for marginalized groups.

Recognizing the Problem and Taking Control

Parnell emphasizes the importance of recognizing the adverse effects of social media on our mental health. She encourages individuals to evaluate their social media consumption and its impact on their well-being. By creating a safer and more positive online experience, we can mitigate the harmful effects of social media on our mental health.

Creating a Healthier Online Experience

Parnell suggests several strategies for creating a healthier online experience:

  • Control your social media consumption and be mindful of how it makes you feel.
  • Unfollow accounts or individuals that negatively impact your mental health.
  • Focus on following accounts that inspire, motivate, and make you laugh.
  • Lead by example and treat others with respect and kindness online.


Social media can have both positive and negative effects on our mental health. It is essential to be aware of its potential drawbacks and take steps to create a healthier online experience. By recognizing the problem, evaluating our social media usage, and fostering a positive online environment, we can protect our mental well-being and maximize our time on social media.


Refference: TEDX Talks